Alberta Winter Landscape

I don't usually process images this way.  Mostly because I don't know how, and most often then not I just couldn't be bothered :) .  This time I decided to give old Snapseed from NIK a go.  Getting images to my iPad is still not an easy task, specially when I forgot to take the special adapters with me.  All I had was the USB adapter for the iPad.  I was shooting with my Sony NEX-7, and I thought that the iPad might have a problem with recognizing the RAW files, I decided to shoot RAW+jpg.  At least I could move the jpg files onto the iPad.  Right..... Hooking up my little SD card reader to the USB adapter, didn't do anything.  iPad did not see it.  So, I thought, I could connect the camera directly.  Nothing.  Connected the same card reader to the computer, transferred the jpg files do my dropbox account and then was finally able to pull them to my iPad.  Sheeeeeesh...  From there it was easy.  Load them up in Snapseed, and go crazy.  Here are my attempts at creating art... I hope you like it.  Enjoy! snow winter alberta landscape art photography edmontonsnow winter alberta landscape edmonton photographersnow winter trees art landscape albertasnow trees barn red building alberta landscapelandscape road drive track snow winter alberta photography